Our Book, Embracing Layers Unapologetically:

Book cover featuring title 'Embracing Layers Unapologetically' by Jessica Garrison. Artistic illustration of two women intertwined in a serene landscape background, highlighting themes of empowerment and self-care.

Our Book - Available Now

Embracing Layers Unapologetically: Lessons from the F.E.E.L. Podcast’s Collection of Lived Experiences Inviting Women to Discover Their Power and Prioritize Self-Care Through the Seasons and Complexities of their Stories.

Our book was written by our very own feature writer, Jessica Garrison! It is for all the women who are ready to embark on the journey of loving, believing, and accepting how worthy they are of self-care, healthy boundaries, and living unapologetically. The narratives, lessons, and highlights from the first four seasons have been curated and revisited with fresh insight within the pages of Embracing Layers Unapologetically. Infused with bravery, vulnerability, and power, the book shares the stories of women on their own journeys to find empowerment. Through acts such as prioritizing self-care, setting healthy boundaries, and taking care of all aspects of their health, they are testaments that it’s never too late to begin the journey with yourself and invite other women along the way. Make this your next book club read and join our community in embracing all of your beautiful, complex layers!

Order Your Copy Here:

You can order our book, “Embracing Layers Unapologetically” on Amazon and Bookshop.org now! You can also buy the Kindle version on Amazon here!

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