Episode 6: Beauty & Beauty Privilege - What is it, Who Defines it, & How do We Find Our Beauty in it?
This week we dive into this very loaded topic, and see below for instructions on how you can comment on this because we want to hear from you!
We each have our own definition of what we think beauty is, partly shaped by our own experiences and party shaped by the culture, church/religious community, etc
Micaela - To me, beauty is the quality of a person's internal self (inner beauty). In other words, the hidden parts of ourselves that we can't see with our natural eyes but we get a glimpse of when assessing a person's words, actions, and deeds.
Charlotte - I believe that beauty has to do with our souls and who we are inside. A big part of beauty for me is kindness and how we treat other people.
Jessica - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder—what is beautiful to one is not always beautiful to someone else. I agree that a person’s actions and personality can make someone seem more or less attractive. Even people who are conventionally beautiful can be ugly on the inside, and that can affect how they’re seen.
The definition of Beauty Privilege or “Pretty” Privilege according to the site “My Imperfect Life” (https://www.myimperfectlife.com/features/pretty-privilege) “Pretty privilege works on the principle that people who are deemed more attractive—based on accepted societal beauty standards—have an upper hand in the world and are afforded many opportunities that us regular folks don't have.”
We’re going to dive into all of this today in a far reaching conversation, and we want your input as well, so please comment in our social media posts promoting and sharing this episode, DM us on Instagram @embracinglayers or email us at embracinglayers@gmail.com your thoughts and experiences with this subject matter. We want to hear from you!
Our Own Definitions of Beauty (6:55)
Pretty Privilege in Media & Around Us (9:31)
What Society Tells Us About Beauty (24:55)
The Value of Inner Beauty (44:29.364)
How Beauty Standards Impact Our Emotional, Mental & Physical Health (54:19)
Patriarchy & Who Decides Beauty Standards (1:03:46)
Layers, Boundaries & Our Own Expectations (1:13:24)
Song Featured: Where’s My Jetpack?! - Computer Music All-Stars