What does Freedom look like for Women on The Embracing Layers Journey

Embracing Layers Radio Show: July 1st, 2024

9 AM - 3 PM EST | 6 AM - 12 PM PST

*All segment air times below are approximate and in EST

9 AM - 9:10 AM - Melissa Intro's topic and Sponsor Hosts

9:11 AM - 10:53 AM - Panel discussion with Melissa, Dr. Fanny Lebouglanger (Website | Instagram | Podcast), & Erin Copelan (Website | Instagram | LinkedIn | Book)

10:53 AM - 30 Second Erin Copelan Ad

10:54 AM - 12:30 PM - Dr. Fanny Lebouglanger Freedom Segment Part 1

12:30 AM - 30 Second Dr. Fanny Lebouglanger Ad

12:31 PM - 1:25 PM - Replay from January 1 Segment " Embracing Layers Team Talks "What does New Year, Take Care of You mean to You"

1:25 PM - 2:15 PM - Erin Copelan - Awareness, Feelings, and Movement all help support caregivers to feel more safe in their own skin

2:15 PM - 2:30 PM - Danielle Parks Meditation

2:30 PM - 2:54 PM - Erin Copelan - mental health and caregiving and what therapists won't diagnose or acknowledge

2:54 PM - 3 PM - Melissa Closes

Additional Resources:


Healthcare Workers and the impact their work has on THEIR Embracing Layers Journey


Summer’s Here