Have You Connected Your Physical Health to Your Emotional Health in Your Embracing Layers Journey?

Embracing Layers Radio Show: November 18th, 2024

9 AM - 3 PM EST | 6 AM - 12 PM PST

*All segment air times below are approximate and in EST

9 AM - 9:15 AM - Melissa Opens

9:15 AM - 10:24 AM - Panel Conversation - Laura Helgeson (Website | Resources), Rachel Lavin (Website | Instagram | Facebook | Book), Kim Mosiman (Website | Facebook | Instagram | Book)

10:24 AM - 11:30 AM - Laura Helgeson - UTI's

11:30 AM - 12:27 PM - Laura Tolosi (Website | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn)

12:27 PM - 1:24 PM - FEEL Library Season 3 Women's Health Empowerment with Sera From Clay Health

1:24 PM - 2:37 PM - FEEL Library Season 3 Loving our Complex Layers with Dr. Bernadine Waller

2:37 PM - 2:43 PM - Meditation with Danielle

2:43 PM - 3 PM - Melissa Closes


The Impact of Supporting Yourself & Other Women Unapologetically in Your Embracing Layers Journey


Healthy Boundaries in Your Embracing Layers Journey