Episode 20 - Holistic Healthy Movement with Cari Vann

By Jessica Garrison

A few words to describe our next guest are compassionate, uplifting, grateful, and loyal with a strong sense of faith. Cari Vann is another wonderful guest who Melissa met through PodMatch (PodMatch, where would we be without you?) and I’m so glad the two of them met for this important conversation.

Cari has the utmost respect for people, but she knows this should be extended to herself as well. Self-care is a lifestyle, conscious choice, and a recognition of the love you have for yourself. For Cari, something as small as enjoying the quiet time to herself in the morning is a form of self-care; it doesn’t have to be anything that takes up a lot of time or energy.

When talking about boundaries, Cari revealed that they are her number one form of self-care. She thinks about them when it comes to all different aspects of life, such as her time, business, or family. Clearly communicating is one of Cari’s biggest assets, and I agree that you can’t have healthy boundaries or relationships without communication.

As we know from listening to dozens of women talk about their experiences, the mind and body are not separate. Cari Vann is so dedicated to this topic, using her expertise of over 25 years in the health and wellness field to help other women get on the right path. Just like self-care, you don’t have to do strenuous exercise to feel well in your body. Even something as small as stretching can help Cari slow down and listen for discomfort in her body. There isn’t a quick fix to feeling comfortable in your own body and mind, but Cari shares great advice, such as starting with a simple breathing technique to set you up for long-term success.

Cari is so passionate about what she does, and she supports other women in living unapologetically by sharing her knowledge and support. She’s created an inclusive community where there aren’t toxic comparisons or judgments. It’s just about helping women live the best life they possibly can.

As I mentioned with Cari’s character traits, faith is very important to her. God is wrapped around her values and is pivotal in keeping her on the right path. This allows her to always come back to her Truth, and that has been crucial in this beautiful journey she’s been on.

When thinking of her own expectations versus someone else’s, Cari asks herself how she wants to spend her time. Her children are a huge priority for her, though it’s not always easy to ignore what the outside voices are telling you to do. She says it’s important to allow yourself grace as you navigate and shift your expectations as life goes on. Cari emphasizes that keeping your expectations realistic and reachable is one of the best ways to create a solid foundation for expectations.

Embracing your layers can be the most difficult part of the journey because you have to look at things that are uncomfortable. There’s a lot of work that goes into this, but it’s worth it in the end to live as your authentic self. This in turn affects cultivating healthy relationships through F.E.E.L—it’s about your relationship with others as well as the relationship you have with yourself. It is not just about the relationships you have with others, but also the relationship you have with yourself. There’s a greater level of compassion for others when we’re self-aware, and it enhances our emotional intelligence.

Cari has such a strong sense of self, and I really admire all of the incredible things she does for women. There’s something for everyone to take away from her episode, no matter what differences there may be in your lives. Cari’s resources will be posted on our website with helpful links and information. She also has her own website available for anyone looking for extra help in taking care of their emotional and physical health.

Ways to Engage: Think of some small ways you can get your body moving throughout the day, such as breathing exercises in the morning or taking extra time at night for stretching. Record how you feel before and after these exercises and try them for an extended period of time. Take notice of any differences you may feel and how this is affecting the relationship you have with your mind and body.


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