Episode 25 - FemTech & What Women Need to Know with Bethany Corbin

By Jessica Garrison

Believe it or not, we have reached the season 6 finale of the F.E.E.L Podcast! There’s no better way to end the season with the energetic, insightful, approachable, and passionate Bethany Corbin. She has so much knowledge to share about a topic I’ve never heard of, but it’s so fascinating nonetheless.

Bethany says she has only recently gotten into self-care after discovering benign tumors during a routine check-up, and now has to be more cautious than ever. Before her wakeup call, she was working at a law firm in D.C. making six figures, which sounds great on the outside. However, she was working constantly with no breaks and did a lot of stress eating. Now she is in the world of Female Health Technology (FemTech). It’s a lot simpler than it sounds, and Bethany does a spectacular job at explaining the meaning of FemTech and what it does for women.

No one will set your boundaries for you, and Bethany said something so important during this segment: use your vacation time! It’s there for a reason, and you should take advantage of it. She has a few nonnegotiables when it comes to work now that limits her from being at people’s beck and call constantly. Work is one of the most important places to set boundaries, yet it also seems to be the most difficult place. After listening to Bethany’s story, I think it’ll give a new perspective on workplace boundaries.

Bethany sailed through college and law school, ready to get into the workforce, but what was making her money was not fulfilling her passions. A therapist helped her see that burning herself out was only going to make her miserable rather than happy. Bethany says she kept asking the question, “What’s my body doing to me?” when it was actually what she was doing to her body. If you take nothing else away from this episode, I hope everyone takes that realization to heart.

Through her work in FemTech, Bethany supports women in living unapologetically every day. If something is interesting to you or excites you, then go for it! She took a leap of faith into FemLaw and was able to find something that suited her education and passions perfectly. It’s important to explore what you’re drawn to, and in doing this herself, Bethany found new skills and a new community. Even if things don’t work out, you can at least say that you tried. Bethany says she was lucky to have a support system during this shift, and she wants to be that for other women.

There were plenty of outside expectations for Bethany, even an expectation she set for herself that most likely wasn’t achievable. Along the way, she discovered her desire to educate people and get them the information they needed, which she could do through law. In 2018 she discovered the subject of FemTech, and no one was really talking about it. Bethany wanted to learn more and share this information with other women to help them live their happiest and healthiest lives.

Listening to Bethany speak was life-changing, and it’s apparent how passionate she is about helping others, sharing her knowledge, and creating a better world for women. We will have plenty of Bethany’s resources listed on our website, and you can also visit Bethany’s website for more information on her or FemTech. Thank you to all of our collaborators and supporters over this past season, and we look forward to sharing season 7 with you in September!

Ways to Engage: Bethany spoke about FemTech, which is a subject that not many women know about. Have you heard of FemTech before? If not, what did you think of it when you first heard of it and what do you think of it after listening to the episode? One of the best parts of the podcast is hearing so many different stories and learning something we would’ve never known before.


Episode 1 - Creativity as a Path to Wellness with Johnny Lemoine


Episode 24 - Men Need Self-Care Too with Constantin Morun