Episode 2 - Prioritizing Time for Me with Limor Bergman

By Jessica Garrison

This week we get to meet the authentic and transparent Limor Bergman, who dives right in to the importance of embracing layers and everything that goes along with that. Her conversation with Melissa about boundaries was quite captivating, and I think her perspective can help motivate those who may be struggling with that aspect of life.

Throughout her journey, Limor has come to realize how important boundaries are and how their absence caused a lot of stress in her life. She emphasizes the need for balance, whether it be with work, family, relationships, or her self-care time. Limor has seen a change in work culture over the years, especially after the pandemic caused a lot of people to begin working remotely. As so many have experienced, there’s more flexibility now, and our homes have become our workplace; we shouldn’t be afraid to ask for what we want and set up boundaries that are important to us.

Limor gave an example of boundaries in motherhood when she said someone isn’t a bad mom for buying premade meals. You can’t do everything. Women are expected to work full-time jobs, take care of the children, clean the house, and provide a meals for everyone in the household. And I think it’s crucial for women to hear that you aren’t a bad mom for ordering out once in a while or having a frozen pizza for dinner. Life is exhausting, and you can’t be expected to do everything while still taking care of yourself. Other people’s opinions are not as important as your boundaries, and I’m glad Limor took some time out of this segment to remind everyone that we’re all doing our best.

This episode is full of great moments from Limor, including living out of her own expectations when deciding to start a new business rather than remaining an employee. She has come a long way in her journey and continues to help those around her by volunteering in her community and acting as a guide for women in the workplace. I’m so glad we were able to hear from Limor this week, and if you’re still craving more, she has her own podcast entitled “From a Woman to a Leader.” It’s Limor’s attitude, experience, and courage that reminds us what embracing our layers is all about.

Ways to Engage: What are some misconceptions or stereotypes you hear from women or about women? What about wives or mothers? Look at these phrases and identify if they’re positive or negative, and where you’ve heard these sayings from. The things we say and the stereotypes we enforce can negatively impact ourselves as well as those around us, particularly children. Rather than putting women in a box of expectations, we can begin to recognize these stereotypes and live our lives authentically.


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Episode 1 - Creativity as a Path to Wellness with Johnny Lemoine