Episode 3 - Be a Rebel With a Cause with Loren Rosario Maldonado

By Jessica Garrison

There is one phrase to perfectly sum up our guest, Loren Rosario Maldonado, and that certainly is a rebel with a cause. Through the discussion of the talking points, Loren displays how compassionate, patient, and determined she is in her embracing layers journey.

Because of the passion Loren has for everything she does, I wanted to highlight what she says during “Coming Back to Your Why and Your Values.” Loren emphasizes the importance of connecting to your why. Of course your why should be valuable to you and is part of your core, but I love that she also identifies the eventual need to pivot. Loren’s values today are not the same ones she had 10 or 15 years ago, and that’s the same for many of us. It’s perfectly normal and healthy to adjust your values as time goes on.

Even though this happens to everyone, we don’t tend to talk about when it’s time to pivot your why. We talk a lot about what our why is currently, but we don’t tend to look at the past or future. It’s crucial to identify our current why of course, but no matter where you are in your journey, you are not alone.

Change can be incredibly scary, but it’s important to look for the signs of when it’s time to pivot. For example, when you’re 20 years old, your why could be getting a higher education. When you turn 25, it could be stepping into the professional world and establishing a career. When you turn 30, it could be getting married or starting a family. There isn’t a right or wrong value to have, but it’s okay to recognize when your life is shifting; naturally, certain things will take precedence over others. It doesn’t mean you forget or lose part of yourself; it’s a natural step in uncovering and embracing your layers.

I believe these conversations are significant in continuing to grow as people and we enter new stages in our lives. If this subject strikes you the way it did me, then you can listen to Loren’s podcast, The C.H.O.I.C.E Chats, which dives deeper into the dialogue of pivoting with a purpose. It’s a great resource to have and to seek out when you reach that point in your life. The conversation Loren and Melissa had can be life changing, and it reaffirms our values of sharing women’s stories to make a positive difference.

Ways to Engage: Think about what your why/value/cause was 5 or 10 years ago. Think about what it is now. Try making a physical list that you can compare, look back on, or use as a reference. This can help you determine if you’ve grown over the years, what goals you have yet to accomplish, and if you’re in the place you want to be. Your why is a very powerful tool, and it drives us to be who we are.


Episode 4 - Self Care is Healthcare with Vashti Kanahele


Episode 2 - Prioritizing Time for Me with Limor Bergman