Episode 7 - Making the Most of the Little Moments with Kristin Lefforge

By Jessica Garrison

Kristin Lefforge is someone who Melissa has wanted to have on the podcast for quite some time, and I can say that it was definitely worth the wait. Kristin describes herself as determined, giving, empathic, and curious, with a little bit of sarcasm sprinkled in. As a therapist, Kristin has a lot of tools to share when it comes to your journey in finding empowerment and embracing layers.

In this blog, I want to focus on the final talking point and how Kristin describes living out F.E.E.L. We talk a lot on the podcast about starting the journey and the importance of staying on the path, even when it becomes difficult. Some areas are easier to conquer than others, but odds are there will be at least one thing that will stop you in your tracks. However, I want people to remember the reason for all of their hard work and to see how rewarding it is when you keep fighting the good fight.

By living out F.E.E.L, Kristin is more grounded with herself and has more humility. She says even though there weren’t huge mountains for her to climb, she didn’t just walk right into the life she has now. She had to listen to all aspects of her body: physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental. Once she started to listen, she could act upon it and move towards what she truly wanted. Kristin is proud of the life she has created and wouldn’t change anything about it. For me, the reason for embarking on a journey like this is to have the life I fantasize for myself and to get there with no regrets.

By focusing on yourself, putting intention into your work and your life, you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to. Even when things get difficult or seem impossible, you have to remember the end goal you’re working towards. There is a happy and healthy light at the end of the tunnel, and I think Kristin captures this reminder perfectly. Her episode is full of dedication, hope, and inspiration to start your journey as soon as possible.

As for all our guests, Kristin’s resources will be listed on our website, and I highly recommend checking them out. Even a small step forward is a step in the right direction, a point I hope everyone remembers as they begin their journey. Being proud of the life you’ve created for yourself isn’t selfish or bragging, but rather a reminder to everyone that they can achieve that too. When we look back on our life, it will be the little moments that added up to the most important.

Ways to Engage: By starting your journey to living out F.E.E.L, what are some goals you want to see yourself achieve? Make sure these are goals you want to achieve, rather than something an outside voice is telling you to do. Write them down and come back to them every so often to see how your goals have changed. It’s rewarding to remind yourself what you’re working towards and to see how it all comes together over time.


Episode 6 - Standing Up & Finding Your Value with Dana Diaz