The F.E.E.L Podcast: Season One Wrap Up
By Jessica Garrison
Throughout season one of The F.E.E.L (Finding Empowerment Embracing Layers) Podcast, challenging topics were discussed openly and freely in a safe space for conversation. Despite a variety of guests and subjects, many of the lessons we learned from the podcast episodes can be applied throughout each discussion point in addition to all aspects of our lives.
Revisiting Boundaries
Establishing boundaries isn’t only important for romantic relationships, but for everyone we come across in our journey of life. One of the most important things to remember about boundaries is that they look different to everyone and can change upon relationships. We learn while listening to the podcast that boundaries are a lifelong practice and don’t look the same on everyone. It’s important to not only communicate your boundaries to those around you, but to also stick to them, which gets a bit trickier. However, to live life to its fullest potential of happiness, boundaries are such a crucial role we have to set in place. They’re not a negative to be avoided, but rather a positive to help our relationships grow stronger.
One of my favorite episodes from season one comes from guest Christy Martinez Garcia, who spoke deeply on the topic of boundaries. Boundaries are a way to protect yourself, communicate your needs, and to also advocate for yourself. Setting your boundaries and sticking to them not only reminds yourself of your worth and the value of your feelings, but it also reminds others of those things. I try to remind myself that if I don’t respect the boundaries I’ve set into place, then others won’t respect them, and that typically leads to people taking advantage of me, which I’m tired of happening. Use your boundaries to advocate for yourself, because you deserve the utmost respect when it comes to your life and your time.
Living Out of Your Own Expectations
From the moment we are born, there are expectations put on us. At the end of the day, the decisions you make are your own. It’s important to live the life you want to live and make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons. Something that resonated with me during this conversation among the guests (and even brought tears to my eyes at one point) is that we get to a certain age, and then don’t even know who we are. I’m 23 years old and still trying to discover who I am and who I want to be, rather than continuing to live up to the expectations of others. It’s not uncommon for people to feel this way, but the earlier in life we realize we need to live for ourselves rather than others, the happier we’ll be in the long run. Although easier said than done, it’s worth continuing to put forth the effort.
Another frequent talking point among guests was that it’s impossible to make everyone happy, and even as you put forth so much effort to do so, there will always be disappointment. Don’t let that disappointment be towards yourself. As one guest put it, “You disappointing other people is not worth you abandoning yourself anymore.” Live your truth, and the rest should fall into place.
How to Prioritize Self Care in Your Life
Although it can feel selfish at times, self care is something that needs to be recognized and prioritized in our everyday lives. With the constant stress in our lives due to the pandemic and just trying to do our best in the world, we need to find ways to nourish our bodies and build ourselves back up. This looks different for everyone, same as boundaries, because of the different activities that make us feel refueled. If you still struggle with putting yourself first, remember that if you take care of yourself first, then you’re able to give the best version of yourself to those around you, so if you think about it, it isn’t selfish at all.
Taking Care of Emotional Health as Much as Physical Health
With a healthy body comes a healthy mind and vice versa. Everyone has different needs and reactions when it comes to the harshness of the world, but we need to keep ourselves healthy, both inside and out. Finding this balance isn’t always easy, especially in the world we’re currently living in and the obstacles people are constantly facing. But just like self care, taking care of your emotional health is one of the most important things you could possibly do, the same as taking care of your physical health. You are important. You are a priority. Never forget that.
Cultivating Healthy Relationships
By implementing all of these other practices, cultivating healthy relationships is bound to come with ease. However, having a healthy relationship with everyone you come across is impossible; the other party may not be respectful towards your wishes and needs. The podcast this season was full of wisdom, but there’s one quote to definitely take away from this season’s topic: “Your needs will never be too much for the right person and in a healthy relationship.”
It’s been a wonderful first season for the F.E.E.L podcast, full of impactful conversations to remind us we’re not alone in our struggles and defeats. There are many more empowering and honest episodes to come soon. See you in season two!