Episode 28: Podcasthon Feature Episode: The Story of Herstory
“We are featuring Herstory Writers Network, a nonprofit organization that utilizes the art of memoir writing to connect with people in the community. The network originated in Long Island, NY but has since grown to be accessible from anywhere, offering both in person and remote writing circles.”
Ways to Engage: Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone. Attend a writing workshop, share your writing in an online forum, or anything that puts yourself out there as a storyteller. Read other people’s stories, comment on them, and make them feel seen and heard.
Prioritizing Self Care - ( 25:15 )
Confidently Setting Boundaries - ( 36:25 )
Taking Care of Your Emotional Health as much as Your Physical Health - ( 45:00 )
Living Out of Your Own Expectations - ( 1:10:39 )
Want to be a guest on The F.E.E.L. Podcast - Finding Empowerment Embracing Layers? Send Melissa Crook a message on PodMatch, here: https://www.podmatch.com/hostdetailpreview/feel2021 or complete our contact form here: https://www.embracinglayers.com/contact
Original FEEL Podcast Theme Music by Rio & Valencia Saint-Louis