Episode 7: A Life of Growth & Care with Jaime Wheeler


About Jaime:

Transplanted from sunny California to Lubbock in 2006 and have been here ever since as a part of the Open Door (formally Carpenter’s church) community. Love this life of adventure in downtown Lubbock with my handsome husband, family, community, dogs and chickens. Get to work with an amazing team of women who are doing our best to create restorative opportunities to thrive for survivors of sex trafficking and their children. Enjoy new people, places, reading, playing outside, tending to the plants, beating my kids in basketball, painting, creating, laying in the sunshine, traveling and laughing with the good people in my life. Trying my best to be a good steward of this life I have been gifted and to never take it for granted. Always looking for more journeying companions to learn from!


Prioritizing Self Care (2:29)

Confidently Setting Boundaries (4:29)

Taking Care of Your Emotional Health and Physical Health (8:23)

Supporting Ourselves and other Women in Living Unapologetically (13:46)

Coming Back to Your WHY and your values (16:44)

Living Out of Your Own Expectations (20:14.635)

Accepting the Layered Aspects of Yourself (24:21)

Living Out F.E.E.L. - Embracing Your Layers & Healthy Relationships (29:10)

5 Activities That Nourish You (32:01)

5 Words for How You Want to Feel in the Next Six Months (34:13)

Song Featured: Scars to Your Beautiful by Alessia Cara


Episode 8a: Educators in Uncharted Times


Episode 6: Prioritizing The Time with OUR OWN Jessica Garrison