Episode 4: Becoming My Own Soulmate with Danielle Parks


Danielle is a psychotherapist by trade, and is truly passionate about walking alongside people as they discover and connect with the truth of who they are…helping people get out of their heads and into their hearts! Her own journey is a reflection of this as she has walked through the shadows of self-doubt, fear and psychological self harm to discover her own truth and step into true self love and ultimately discover that her dream of ‘finding the one’ was in fact her reconnecting with her own true self!

Danielle is on a journey of heart centered living walking with the North Star of Truth and Unconditional Love. She seeks to live this in everyday of her life and hold up a light for others as they live theirs. There have been multiple chapters of Danielle’s life labeled as many different things; Ironman Finisher, Marathon Maniac, Wife, Step Mom, Therapist, Christian, and more, but as she continues to walk her path she has realized the importance of coming back to yourself, slowing down and getting still! Her desire is to help others learn how they to can still their minds, and get into their hearts to truly walk a life of self love and truth!


Prioritizing Self Care - ( 2:06 )

Confidently Setting Boundaries - ( 4:39 )

Taking Care of Your Emotional Health as much as Your Physical Health - ( 11:01 )

Support self & other women unapologetically - ( 16:52 )

Coming Back to Your WHY and Your VALUES - ( 35:41 )

Living Out of Your Own Expectations - ( 37:25 )

Accepting the Layered Aspects of Yourself - ( 43:25 )

Living out FEEL, how does it affect your relationships - ( 47:10 )

5 Activities That Nourish You - ( 49:00 )

5 Words for How You Want to Feel in the Next Six Months - ( 49:17 )

Song Featured: Where’s My Jetpack?! - Computer Music All-Stars


Episode 5: Embracing Discomfort As a Path to Peace with Meghan Locklair


Episode 3: Living Her Authentic Truth with Lindsay Kerr